
Staff Aimee at Toothman Orthodontics in Hagerstown Frederick, MD

Business Manager

What do you do at the office?

I’m the business manager in both our Hagerstown & Frederick offices, and help with the human resources.

Where can you find me when I’m not at work?

On the go! Enjoying time with my husband and 5 children. I’ll be over at dance, lacrosse, piano, plays, wrestling, Swimming, band practice, and more. I love water skiing, playing the piano and cooking.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

I like being a part of my family’s practice and getting to spend time with my dad and brother. Even though I work more behind the scenes, I enjoy my relationships with our staff as well as watching their interactions with you the patient!

What is one of your favorite quotes?

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.